Joystick Magazine 1995 November (Mac)
cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso
Xconq 7.0.1
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Text File
260 lines
(game-module "voyages"
(title "Voyages of Discovery")
(blurb "Sail across uncharted seas, find new lands")
(see-all false)
(world-seen false)
(world-size (80 40))
("Wind" wind
(add fleet speed-wind-effect 12345) ; real list calc not impled yet
(add t* wind-force-min 0)
(add t* wind-force-average 1)
(add t* wind-force-max 3)
(add land wind-variability 30)
(add waters wind-variability 10)
(set wind-mix-range 1)
;; should be a self-unit (?) with 2-3 hex radius of control
(unit-type explorer (image-name "conquistador")
(help "our hero, plus bodyguards and personal servants")
(acp-per-turn 2)
(hp-max 3)
(unit-type crew (image-name "soldiers")
(help "supports the explorer")
(acp-per-turn 1)
(hp-max 30) (parts-max 30)
(unit-type fleet (image-name "caravel-fleet")
(help "transportation across the sea")
(acp-per-turn 14)
(hp-max 30) (parts-max 3)
;;; What the crew can build to live in. This is not a port however, ships must
;;; remain at sea.
(unit-type fort (image-name "walltown")
(help "can be built for protection"))
(unit-type city (image-name "city18")
(help "home port, with nearly limitless supply"))
(unit-type native-village (image-name "village")
(help "where the more primitive natives live"))
(unit-type native-city (image-name "city18")
(help "where the civilized natives live"))
(define native-places (native-village native-city))
(define places (fort city native-village native-city))
;; the essentials
(material-type food)
(material-type water)
(material-type wood
(help "to build and repair ships"))
;; the goals
(material-type gold)
(material-type gems)
(material-type spices)
;;; The usual collection of terrain types.
;;; (perhaps should flush in favor of smaller set? - no roads needed for instance)
(include "stdterr")
(define land (swamp desert plains forest mountains ice))
(define waters (sea shallows))
;;; Static relationships.
(table vanishes-on
((explorer crew) waters true)
(table wrecks-on
(fleet land true)
;; A shipwreck is usable as a fort.
(add fleet wrecked-type fort)
(table unit-capacity-x
(fleet (explorer crew) (3 3))
(fort (explorer crew) (3 3))
(city (explorer crew) (100 30))
(native-village (explorer crew) 1)
(native-city (explorer crew) (100 30))
(table unit-storage-x
((explorer crew) (food water) 2)
(fleet (food water) 20)
(fleet wood 10)
;;; Vision.
;; (nothing special needed?)
;;; Actions.
;;; Movement.
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
;; these are for accident prevention...
((explorer crew) waters 99)
;; Ship can be run aground deliberately, but only at start of turn.
(fleet land 14)
;;; Construction.
(add (fleet fort) cp (8 4))
(table acp-to-create
(crew (fleet fort) 1)
(table cp-on-creation
(crew (fleet fort) 1)
(table acp-to-build
(crew (fleet fort) 1)
(table cp-per-build
(crew (fleet fort) 1)
;;; Combat.
(table hit-chance
(explorer native-places 1)
(native-places explorer (5 20))
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(table capture-chance
(explorer places 10)
;;; Production/consumption of materials.
(table base-production
((explorer crew) (food water) 1)
(table productivity
((explorer crew) (plains forest swamp) 100)
(table base-consumption
((explorer crew) (food water) 1)
(table hp-per-starve
;; Going without food is bad for one's health, but not instantly fatal.
((explorer crew) food 1.00)
;; Water is essential, however.
((explorer crew) water 100.00)
;;; Random events.
(table accident-vanish-chance
(fleet waters (30 10))
;;; Starting material for random setups.
(define country-radius-min 2)
(add (sea plains) country-terrain-min (1 3))
(add (explorer crew fleet city) start-with (1 1 1 1))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
((explorer crew) plains 100)
(city plains 100)
(fleet sea 100)
((native-village native-city) land 100)
(add city initial-seen-radius 6)
(table independent-density
(native-village (plains forest mountains) (100 50 20))
(native-city plains 10)
(include "ng-weird")
(add native-places namer "generic-names")
(table unit-initial-supply
;; Everybody starts out with plenty of food and water.
(u* (food water) 9999)
(native-city gold 100)
;;; This works as a solo game, but more can play if desired.
(set sides-min 1)
;;; Players can give them more explorers and ships to start with.
(set advantage-min 1)
(set advantage-default 1)
(set advantage-max 5)
#| This only really makes sense with the actual world to play on.
(set side-library '(
((noun "Spaniard") (emblem-name "flag-spain-old")
((noun "Portuguese") (emblem-name "flag-portugal")
((noun "English") (emblem-name "flag-uk")
((noun "French") (emblem-name "flag-france")
((noun "Dutch") (emblem-name "flag-dutch")
;;; should always generate a globe-girdling area to play on.
"might want a general operates-equipment relation so crew can move via
ships but can still leave, thus immobilizing the ships"
"explorer would have to manage crews properly"
"crews on land can collect water/food and store on ship"
"forts protect crew while they forage(?)"
"high chance of attrition for crew"
"Explorer only vulnerable to combat or starvation however"
"need to do storms somehow (stripped-down lat-based weather model?)"
"Turn length is about a week."